Audio Books book reviews Emma's Anticipated Treasures

AUDIOBOOK REVIEW: The T in LGBT by Jamie Raines

Published June 29th, 2023 by Ebury
Biography, Memoir, True Story, LGBTQ+ Biography, LGBTQ+ Political and Social Issues, Sex, Health and Social Issues

Today is the last day of Transgender Awareness Week so I’m sharing my review of the powerful, moving and thought-provoking, The T in LGBT.



Hey, I’m Jamie, a 29-year-old trans guy from the UK. I’ve been transitioning for 12 years now after realising I was trans (by accident!) at sixteen years old. I knew I was a boy since the age of four, but realised whilst growing up that I was different. It was only in my teens that I found the words to express who I was and what I needed to do. Since then, I’ve been on testosterone for more than a decade – I know, I can’t believe it either – I’ve also had top and bottom surgery and legally changed my sex, so I know a few things about the transitioning process and being trans!

I want to welcome you to The T in LGBT where you can explore and learn about so many topics surrounding gender identity: realising you’re trans, starting hormones, considering surgery, and everything in between. Whether you’re questioning your own identity and are looking for advice on certain stages of transition, or whether you’re wanting to learn about the trans experience to support someone or understand allyship, I hope this book can be your one-stop guide to everything trans related.

And don’t just take my word for it either – this book is packed full of advice, tips, and the personal stories of a range of trans voices, because no one journey is the same.



Jamie is a transgender man who has documented his transition on his YouTube channel, which also includes commentary on LGBTQ+ and lifestyle issues. I’ve been a loyal subscriber for about four years and his channel is one of my favourites. He is charming, likeable, witty, and relatable, and I appreciate how well-researched his videos are whatever their topic. As an ally of the LGBTQ+ community, Jamie and his wife, Shaaba, have been two of my biggest sources of education about transgender and LGBTQ+ issues, so when he announced he was releasing a book this summer I immediately pre-ordered myself a copy but had yet to find time to read it. When I learned that this week is Transgender Awareness Week I decided it was the perfect time to finally do so and added the audiobook to my playlist so I could fit it in more easily.

The T in LGBT is a book for everyone. The tagline refers to it as a book that will tell you ‘everything you need to know about being trans’. But it isn’t just for those who identify as trans, or a great tool for anyone questioning their gender identity, it is also for allies or anyone who wants to understand more about what it means and feels like to be transgender. Raines narrates the audiobook himself and I loved the familiarity of his voice, which is easy to listen to. He tells us at the start that it can be listened to in any order but I decided to listen chronologically as he took us through a wide range of subjects and I liked that he not only tells his own story, but also gives quotes from  others in the community, and provides tips for allies. 

Jamie talks about believing in ‘education through entertainment’ and that really shines through in the book. Like the man himself, this book is overwhelmingly positive, upbeat, funny and entertaining, never feeling heavy despite the difficult subjects that are addressed. It offers us a deeply personal look inside the difficult journey faced by trans men and women, reminding us that behind the headlines we have become so used to seeing are real people going through an incredibly difficult, emotional and life-changing experience. And by merging this with factual evidence that he gives credible sources for, Raines educates while reminding us that kindness and understanding is key. He also encourages the reader to check out the sources he provides and do their own research so they can make up their own mind about everything that is discussed, and I know I’ve learned so much from both this book and his videos. 

Powerful, thought-provoking, moving, inspiring, and eye-opening, The T in LGBT is an important book that everyone should read. 

Rating: ☕☕☕☕☕



Jamie Lotun-Raines is an English YouTuber and LGBT advocate also known as ‘Jammidodger’. His videos include commentary on gender identity and other LGBTQ+ issues as well as general lifestyle topics. Raines is a trans man and has documented his transition on his chanel, which has over one million subscribers.

Raines has a masters degree and a PhD in Psychology from the University of Essex, receiving his doctorate in 2021. He has conducted research into the sexual response of trnasgneder men as well as other topics relating to gender and sexuality. The T in LGBT is his first book.

Raines lives in Essex with his wife Shaaba, who he married in 2022, and their cats Apollo and Prawn.



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